Why is spotify blend not working
Why is spotify blend not working

why is spotify blend not working

We have a large pool of listening behaviour, saved and liked music to draw from. Both my friend and I have been Spotify premium members for several years. While I can accept this as a "Solution" I really do think this is quite a flawed model for Blend. Keep us posted if you have any questions. Also it's worthwhile to mention that you can dislike songs from the playlist, which will also help for it's future composition, to be updated more in tune with your preferences. Also if both of you haven't added new songs to Your Library recently, this could also explain why the playlist stays the same. Keep in mind that the Blend is created depending on both of your listening histories, so some songs that are on repeat might linger there for longer times. You could try to leave your current Blend playlist and create a new one with your friend again, to see if this will resolve your situation. There is a “Leave Blend” button in the context menu of every Blend, which will allow you to leave the Blend and nobody will be able to access the Blend after that.

why is spotify blend not working

The feature is a new one, and we're always aiming to improve our features, so we hope you’ll continue to use it and find it gets better in the future. We are happy to see that you're exploring the new Blend playlists feature already.

Why is spotify blend not working